a �DOg�?�@s�dZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZddlZddl m Z ddl m Z ddl mZmZmZmZddlmZddlmZd d �ZGd d �d e �ZGd d�de�ZdZdZdZdd�Ze�d�Zdd�Zdd�Z dd�Z!dS)adistutils.cygwinccompiler Provides the CygwinCCompiler class, a subclass of UnixCCompiler that handles the Cygwin port of the GNU C compiler to Windows. It also contains the Mingw32CCompiler class which handles the mingw32 port of GCC (same as cygwin in no-cygwin mode). �N)�Popen�PIPE� check_output)� UnixCCompiler)� write_file)�DistutilsExecError�CCompilerError� CompileError�UnknownFileError)� LooseVersion)�find_executablecCs�tj�d�}|dkr|tj|d|d�}|dkr8dgS|dkrFdgS|d krTd gS|d krbd gS|d krpdgStd|��dS)zaInclude the appropriate MSVC runtime library if Python was built with MSVC 7.0 or later. zMSC v.������� Z1300Zmsvcr70Z1310Zmsvcr71Z1400Zmsvcr80Z1500Zmsvcr90Z1600Zmsvcr100zUnknown MS Compiler version %s N)�sys�version�find� ValueError)Zmsc_posZmsc_ver�r�1/usr/lib64/python3.9/distutils/cygwinccompiler.py� get_msvcr=s rc @sReZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ dd d �Z d d �Z ddd�Z ddd�ZdS)�CygwinCCompilerz? Handles the Cygwin port of the GNU C compiler to Windows. �cygwinz.o�.az.dllzlib%s%sz%s%sz.exercCs�t�||||�t�\}}|�d||f�|turB|�d|�t�\|_|_|_ |�|j d|j|j|j f�|jdkr�d|_ nd|_ |jdkr�d}nd }|j d d d d d|j |fd�|jdkr�dg|_ |�d�nt�|_ dS)Nz%Python's GCC status: %s (details: %s)z�Python's pyconfig.h doesn't seem to support your compiler. Reason: %s. Compiling may fail because of undefined preprocessor macros.z: gcc %s, ld %s, dllwrap %s z2.10.90�gcc�dllwrap�2.13�-shared� -mdll -staticzgcc -mcygwin -O -Wallzgcc -mcygwin -mdll -O -Wallzg++ -mcygwin -O -Wallz gcc -mcygwinz%s -mcygwin %s�Zcompiler� compiler_soZ compiler_cxxZ linker_exeZ linker_so�2.91.57�msvcrtz,Consider upgrading to a newer version of gcc)r�__init__�check_config_hZ debug_print� CONFIG_H_OK�warn� get_versions� gcc_version� ld_versionZdllwrap_version� compiler_type� linker_dll�set_executables� dll_librariesr)�self�verbose�dry_run�force�status�details� shared_optionrrrr#bsN ���� ��  �� �zCygwinCCompiler.__init__c Cs�|dks|dkrXz|�dd|d|g�Wq�tyT}zt|��WYd}~q�d}~00nPz"|�|j||d|g|�Wn,ty�}zt|��WYd}~n d}~00dS)z:Compiles the source by spawning GCC and windres if needed.�.rc�.resZwindresz-iz-oN)�spawnrr r )r.�obj�src�extZcc_args�extra_postargsZpp_opts�msgrrr�_compile�s � zCygwinCCompiler._compileNcCsPt�| p g�} t�|pg�}t�|p&g�}|�|j�|du�r||jksV|jdk�rtj�|d�}tj�tj� |��\}}tj� ||d�}tj� |d|d�}dtj� |�dg}|D]}|� |�q�|� t ||fd |�|jd k�r| �d |g�| �d |g�n |� |�| �s(| � d �t�||||||||d| | | | | �dS)zLink the objects.Nrrz.def�librz LIBRARY %sZEXPORTSz writing %srz --output-libz--defz-s)�copy�extendr-Z EXECUTABLEr+�os�path�dirname�splitext�basename�join�appendZexecuterr�link)r.Z target_descZobjectsZoutput_filename� output_dirZ librariesZ library_dirsZruntime_library_dirsZexport_symbols�debugZ extra_preargsr;Z build_tempZ target_langZtemp_dirZdll_nameZ dll_extensionZdef_fileZlib_file�contentsZsymrrrrH�sH  ��  ��  �    �zCygwinCCompiler.link�cCs�|dur d}g}|D]�}tj�tj�|��\}}||jddgvrRtd||f��|rbtj�|�}|dvr�|�tj�||||j ��q|�tj�|||j ��q|S)z#Adds supports for rc and res files.NrLr5r6z"unknown file type '%s' (from '%s'))r6r5) rArBrD�normcaseZsrc_extensionsr rErGrF� obj_extension)r.Zsource_filenamesZ strip_dirrIZ obj_namesZsrc_name�baser:rrr�object_filenames�s&�   � �z CygwinCCompiler.object_filenames)rrr) NNNNNrNNNN)rrL)�__name__� __module__� __qualname__�__doc__r*rNZstatic_lib_extensionZshared_lib_extensionZstatic_lib_formatZshared_lib_formatZ exe_extensionr#r=rHrPrrrrrWs  ;� Nrc@seZdZdZdZddd�ZdS)�Mingw32CCompilerz@ Handles the Mingw32 port of the GNU C compiler to Windows. Zmingw32rc Csxt�||||�|jdkr d}nd}|jdkr4d}nd}t�rFtd��|jdd d d d |j||fd �g|_t �|_dS)Nrrrr!z--entry _DllMain@12rLz1Cygwin gcc cannot be used with --compiler=mingw32z gcc -O -Wallzgcc -mdll -O -Wallz g++ -O -Wallrz%s %s %sr) rr#r)r(� is_cygwingccrr,r+r-r)r.r/r0r1r4Z entry_pointrrrr#s.  ���� zMingw32CCompiler.__init__N)rrr)rQrRrSrTr*r#rrrrrUsrU�okznot okZ uncertainc Cs�ddlm}dtjvrtdfS|��}z`t|�}zHd|��vrVtd|fW|��WSt d|fW|��WSW|��n |��0Wn6t y�}zt d||j ffWYd }~Sd }~00d S) awCheck if the current Python installation appears amenable to building extensions with GCC. Returns a tuple (status, details), where 'status' is one of the following constants: - CONFIG_H_OK: all is well, go ahead and compile - CONFIG_H_NOTOK: doesn't look good - CONFIG_H_UNCERTAIN: not sure -- unable to read pyconfig.h 'details' is a human-readable string explaining the situation. Note there are two ways to conclude "OK": either 'sys.version' contains the string "GCC" (implying that this Python was built with GCC), or the installed "pyconfig.h" contains the string "__GNUC__". r)� sysconfigZGCCzsys.version mentions 'GCC'Z__GNUC__z'%s' mentions '__GNUC__'z '%s' does not mention '__GNUC__'zcouldn't read '%s': %sN) Z distutilsrXrrr%Zget_config_h_filename�open�read�close�CONFIG_H_NOTOK�OSError�CONFIG_H_UNCERTAIN�strerror)rX�fnZconfig_h�excrrrr$Fs&    � � �r$s(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)*)cCst|��d}t|�durdSt|dtd�j}z|��}W|��n |��0t�|�}|durbdSt |� d�� ��S)z�Find the version of an executable by running `cmd` in the shell. If the command is not found, or the output does not match `RE_VERSION`, returns None. rNT)�shell�stdout�) �splitr rrrcrZr[� RE_VERSION�searchr �group�decode)�cmd� executable�out� out_string�resultrrr�_find_exe_versionss    rocCsgd�}tdd�|D��S)zg Try to find out the versions of gcc, ld and dllwrap. If not possible it returns None for it. )zgcc -dumpversionzld -vzdllwrap --versioncSsg|] }t|��qSr)ro)�.0rjrrr� ��z get_versions..)�tuple)�commandsrrrr'�sr'cCstddg�}|���d�S)z>Try to determine if the gcc that would be used is from cygwin.rz -dumpmachinescygwin)r�strip�endswith)rmrrrrV�s rV)"rTrArr?� subprocessrrr�reZdistutils.unixccompilerrZdistutils.file_utilrZdistutils.errorsrrr r Zdistutils.versionr Zdistutils.spawnr rrrUr%r\r^r$�compilerfror'rVrrrr�s,/    ;1+